Sunday, July 31, 2011

let me find a bargain please!!!

I am a hoarder.
I can't drive past a garage sale
I save things for a rainy day
I can't leave an op shop without a full bag of stuff
I have clothes swapping parties with friends and end up with more than I was getting rid of.
I can't say no to a freebie
I hate clutter.
I find much satisfaction in using up things.
I like everything very neat
I am super organised
My label maker is one of my favourite things
So...where does that leave me?

Today was the annual Quorn monster garage sale where 33 people in the cute little town had garage sales at the same time. Knowing that there were bargains to be found I filled 5 bags with things to get rid of and took them to school to be sold in our planned Relay for life market stand. Declutter done!

Mum and Grandma, Grandpa came up for the weekend. We woke up early and drove to the visitor information centre in Quorn for a map. Then we spent the 3 hours collecting bargains and had such a lovely time. Afterwards we couldn't help but go to the amazing Quandong cafe again... how many posts will I do about this place?? for a quandong milkshake and fettler's smoko (quandong chutney, red onion, swiss cheese and turkey in a croissant). Some finds below...

1. an outdoor table for $5 2. I finally found a leather bag after years of searching 3.some storage items 4.display items 5.a beautiful frame. i think i'll replace the picture but i'm not sure whether to paint the frame black or not. 6. tupperware galore, some of the 14 great quality, barely used containers one garage sale had for $1 a container.

I love a good bargain! Thank you Quorn, I'll be back next year.

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